Sports Turf & Rubber Flooring Blog — artificial grass
Making Synthetic Turf Last
Posted by Matt Garrabrants on
Whenever you buy something that's a long-term deal, you tend to want to make sure of what you're getting yourself into and that is the case with synthetic grass, just like anything else. You can never be sure what the life expectancy of your synthetic turf is - the artificial grass lawn the buyer purchases does have a life span, but it is uncertain as to exactly how prolonged it will be, and whether the warranty offered alongside the purchase of the synthetic turf will live up to what it claims. Generally, synthetic grass is bound to keep its act...
Taking Care of Synthetic Turf
Posted by Matt Garrabrants on
Although artificial turf requires a considerably lesser amount of maintenance and care than a lawn full of actual grass, there are still certain things related to its maintenance to be taken into account and handled effectively. The maintaining of artificial lawn grass involves things like vacuuming, leaf-blowing, wetting, washing, sanitizing and even treating weeds and pests to a certain, but lesser, extent. Generally, synthetic turf is marketed as extremely convenient fake grass that needs little to no care or protection to make it last. However, that is not entirely the case. Despite it being of a completely artificial variety, there is a...
Is Artificial Grass Child-Friendly?
Posted by Matt Garrabrants on
Many people naturally have concerns about bringing anything classified as ‘artificial’ in contact with their children. The concerns of parents and pet owners concerning artificial grass are natural, considering children will play on the artificial lawn grass and might fall down often. Questions often raised include whether the fake turf is suitable to be played on, whether there is child friendly grass that is suitable for nurseries, whether the grass burns if one falls on it, whether a shock pad is needed and whether astro turf heats up in direct sunlight. Artificial lawn grass is perfectly suited to child’s play and...
How to Know What Type of Artificial Grass to Choose
Posted by Matt Garrabrants on
Synthetic turf comes in single or multi-tone colors and emulates the appearance of natural grass by using varying pile heights and blade density. For instance, you can get a short-pile and monotone fake lawn that is classified as being the economy lawn. You can purchase the two tone mid-range lawn for a higher price and a slightly more realistic appearance. Or you can decide to go with the long pile, four tone realistic moss infill that can give you the most realistic look, for a much higher price obviously. But the economy artificial turf will sometimes fit your requirements better...
Getting the Best Artificial Lawn Product for Your Needs
Posted by Matt Garrabrants on
Once you’ve picked the artificial grass supplier you think will do the job to your satisfaction, you get to the fun part, which is picking the exact artificial lawn product that you want. This will depend upon a number of factors, which is why it has to be a very careful process to make sure that you do not regret your decision later. There are four major factors that you need to keep in mind. Firstly, the synthetic turf you get will be according to your budget. Of course the highest quality artificial grass will come at the highest price,...